_good tines, these are the good tines. A tricked out glockenspiel instrument for Ableton that keeps the heads ringin’ with custom FX and blend controls for different mic positions.
Most of the time when you record a glockenspiel, it’s an afterthought, so you quickly throw up a mic and just get it done. The result? Mediocre mallets. We recorded this “jeu de timbres” with a pair of Rupert Neve RNR1 ribbon mics in stereo, and a vintage East German omnidirectional dynamic mic from the 60s called a Funkberater MD30-2 for the room sound. You can easily blend between the stereo pair and the room mic for that über glock sound, plus add real-time custom FX with the included macro controls, and filter control with your modulation wheel.
Sharp bells or lush metallic pads, you want the best, and won’t settle for less.
Leave your cares behind, these are the good tines.
• Minimum Requirements: Ableton 11+ Suite
• 300 Glockenspiel samples. (1.1GB)
• 6 velocity layers per note.
• 2 microphone positions (close stereo & room mono).
• 1 Ableton 11 Sampler Instrument with custom built-in effects.
• 8 macro controls, 16 macro presets.
• Easy modulation wheel filter control.
• 96k/24bit .wav sources.
• 100% Royalty-Free.
• Designed in Vancouver, Canada by Subsocial Studios.
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